Change of Authorship

When evaluating an individual's contribution to authorship in scientific journals, it is important to consider the following criteria, which are in line with the guidelines of the Journal of Applied Engineering Science and Technology (JAEST):

  • The individual has made significant intellectual contributions to the research study or its interpretation.

  • The individual has contributed to drafting or revising the article for its intellectual content.

  • The individual has given final approval of the version to be published and is responsible for the content.

  • If applicable, the individual has significantly contributed to acquiring, analyzing, or interpreting study data.

  • The individual has committed to being responsible for investigating and resolving any questions related to the accuracy or integrity of the work.

  • By providing consent to be listed as an author, the individual certifies that they meet authorship criteria and participated significantly in the work.

It's crucial to understand that meeting just one criterion, like collecting or analyzing data, doesn't automatically entitle someone to be listed as an author. Authorship should be credited to those who have made significant contributions to the research and the creation of the publication.

It is essential to communicate the authorship criteria clearly to potential authors and maintain their fairness and integrity in scientific journals.

After submitting or accepting a manuscript for publication, the corresponding author must complete a change of authorship form to request the addition or removal of an author, or to rearrange the author names.

Please take note of the following guidelines regarding authorship in publications:

  • Adding a new author is allowed before the acceptance and publication of the article.

  • Removing an author is allowed before the acceptance and publication of the article.

  • Adding a new author is not allowed after the acceptance and publication of the article.

  • Removing an author is not allowed after the acceptance and publication of the article.

The corresponding author should handle all requests, and all authors must sign the form.