Article Withdrawal

It is highly discouraged to withdraw or remove articles from the publication process. Sometimes, authors may request to withdraw their manuscript after submitting it. Such requests may be made immediately after submission or even at the last minute when the manuscript is close to being published. However, it is important to note that withdrawing manuscripts from publication can waste valuable resources and effort that have been invested in processing the manuscripts by editors, reviewers and the editorial staff.

Instances where it is possible to withdraw

To minimise the risk of article withdrawal, authors should ensure the following before submitting a manuscript:

  • Originality of the work: Authors should ensure that the manuscript presents original research and has not been published previously or is not under consideration for publication elsewhere.

  • Ethical considerations: Authors must adhere to ethical guidelines for research, including obtaining necessary approvals for human or animal subjects research, and disclosing any potential conflicts of interest or ethical considerations.

  • Accuracy of the content: Authors should thoroughly review the manuscript to ensure that the content is accurate, verifiable, and free from errors or misinterpretations.

  • Proper attribution: Authors should appropriately credit the work of others by providing accurate citations and references for previously published work or borrowed ideas.

  • Authorship and contribution: The contribution of all authors should be accurately reflected, and all individuals who meet the criteria for authorship should be included as authors. In contrast, those who do not meet the criteria should be acknowledged appropriately.

  • Compliance with journal guidelines: Authors should carefully review the submission requirements and guidelines provided by the target journal and ensure that the manuscript complies with these instructions.

  • Permission for any copyrighted material: If the manuscript includes copyrighted materials, such as images or excerpts from other published works, authors should obtain the necessary permissions for their use.

By addressing these issues before manuscript submission, authors can help minimise the risk of article withdrawal and contribute to the integrity of the scholarly publication process.