Review Process

Reviewers Appreciation

We understand that the task of reviewing a manuscript is both valuable and time-consuming. Your commitment to this responsibility truly supports the scholarly community and contributes to the advancement of knowledge. Your thoughtful evaluation and feedback play a crucial role in maintaining the high standards of JAEST as a scientific journal.

At JAEST, we prioritize a double-blind peer review process to uphold the quality of our published articles. We are grateful for reviewers with extensive expertise and the ability to provide impartial and perceptive assessments. Your constructive comments on submitted manuscripts, delivered within a reasonable timeframe of 4 to 6 weeks, are instrumental in ensuring the excellence of the journal.

Once again, we express our heartfelt appreciation for your dedication and invaluable contribution as a reviewer for JAEST.

Reviewers’ Responsibilities

As a reviewer, your responsibilities include the following:

  • Objectivity: Provide an unbiased and fair assessment of the manuscript, focusing on its quality, originality, and contribution to the field.

  • Timeliness: Complete your review within the specified timeframe, or communicate any potential delays to the journal's editorial team.

  • Confidentiality: Treat the manuscript and its contents as privileged information, maintaining confidentiality and not discussing the details with others unless authorized by the journal.

  • Constructive Feedback: Offer constructive criticism and suggestions for improvement, highlighting the manuscript's strengths and weaknesses to help the authors enhance the quality of their work.

  • Ethical Considerations: Alert the journal if you identify any ethical concerns related to the research, such as plagiarism, data fabrication, or ethical misconduct.

  • Adherence to Guidelines: Ensure that your review aligns with the journal's review guidelines and addresses key aspects such as originality, methodology, significance, and clarity.

By fulfilling these responsibilities, you contribute to the integrity and quality of the peer review process while helping authors improve their scholarly contributions.

While reviewing a manuscript, you should consider the following aspects :

  • Originality: Check if the research is original and brings something new to the field.

  • Research Question: Assess if the research question is clearly defined and relevant.

  • Methodology: Evaluate the research methodology's appropriateness and the study design's rigour.

  • Results: Examine the accuracy and clarity of the results and whether they support the conclusions.

  • References: Ensure that the references cited are appropriate and relevant to the study.

  • Clarity and Structure: Check for clear and coherent writing, logical organization, and adherence to the journal's guidelines.

  • Ethical Considerations: Assess whether the research has been conducted ethically and if the authors have declared any conflicts of interest.

  • Contribution to the Field: Consider the significance of the research and its potential impact on the field.

  • Compliance with Journal Guidelines: Ensure that the manuscript adheres to the formatting and submission requirements of the target journal. Check for any discrepancies in formatting, word count, or style.

  • Authorship and Contribution: Verify that all authors have made substantial contributions to the research and document following the authorship criteria. Ensure that all individuals who deserve authorship are included and that those who do not meet the criteria are appropriately acknowledged.

  • Overall Review: Provide constructive and objective feedback to help improve the manuscript.