Sand concrete, Crushed sand, Substrate, Repair concrete, Elastic modulus, Bond strengthAbstract
In this paper, a particular importance is given to the sand concrete as a new repairmaterial. A study is conducted to evaluate its mechanical and physical properties. By targeting thecompactness and workability, three crushed sand concrete series were made from a fixed choiceof the cement content. Once the sand concrete intended for repair is chosen; its characterization isrealized by mechanical and physical tests, namely compression and splitting tensile, measurementof modulus of elasticity and the shrinkage. A repair simulation is applied on half-cylinders ofordinary concrete with two ranges of strength, (BO40) and (BO25). The substrates are preparedwith two surfaces of different textures: roughness (RIG) and surface with drilled holes (PER). Thebond strength and its quality are determined by a splitting tensile test. The result showed asignificant improvement in mechanical strength, a low elastic modulus of 21315 MPa and amoderate shrinkage of 426μm/m after 28 days. Similarly, significant bond strength is recordedbetween sand concrete and ordinary concrete, reflecting a good adhesion with the substrate

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