
Dr. Abdelhak Mabrouki Author
Prof. Adel Benchaban Author




Following the success of the inaugural JAEST volume (2014‐2015), we are pleased to present the second regular volume completed
in December 2016 with two issues, six papers in English and nine in French. Basic content of French papers (title, abstract and
keywords) are published also in English, which becomes the main language of the international scientific community.
This volume is published in both electronic and print versions by the Faculty of Sciences and Technology, FST, of the University of
Biskra (Algeria). It is presented with three sections, namely: Section A (Electrical, Electronics and Automatic Engineering); Section B
(Thermal, Mechanical and Materials Engineering) and Section C (Geotechnical and Civil Engineering).
In 2016, JAEST has recorded a remarkable progress concerning the development of the editorial team by the appointment of an
Executive Editor‐in‐Chief, an associate Editor and six Section Editors. Considering readers’ suggestions and feedbacks, this year is
marked in particular by the improvement of the quantity, the quality and the appearance of published papers. Indeed, forty
percent of the authors of this Volume are researchers from the outside of the University of Biskra and half of them are from four
international institutions: France, United Kingdom and United States. Our goal is to continue working to get a journal that
publishes quality papers which are not only read, but also cited as a reference for all researchers.
Finally, we would like to thank the university officials for their support and the readers, authors, reviewers and editors of JAEST for
their contribution to the development of the journal. Please, contact us with ideas and suggestions to improve the quality and
visibility of JAEST.


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Research Paper

How to Cite

Editorial Preface of the Second Volume of JAEST. (2016). Journal of Applied Engineering Science & Technology, 2(1). https://doi.org/10.69717/jaest.v2.i1.19