
À propos de cette revue

The International Journal of Applied Mathematics and Simulation (IJAMS) is dedicated to advancing the frontiers of Applied Mathematics and fostering its integration with other disciplines. Our primary focus includes:

  • Stochastic analysisstatistics, and numerical analysis.
  • Simulation and the control of deterministic and stochastic dynamical systems.
  • Bifurcation and chaos theory.
  • Fractional calculus.

We particularly encourage submissions that showcase innovative applications across fields such as financeeconomicsbiology, and computer science, with a strong emphasis on data analysis. Our mission is to publish high-quality, impactful research that set a standard in all above mentioned field.

Key highlights of IJAMS:

  • No article processing charges (APCs) or submission fees.
  • Rigorous screening of all submissions using Detectia to ensure originality and academic integrity.

The journal proudly started publication in October 2023 and is published by the University of Biskra.